🥕🌾🧅🗳️♥️Please join South Queens Women’s March @southqueenswomensmarch in partnership with Kaurageous Love @kaurageouslove for a pop-up food and essentials pantry on Sunday, April 23 at 12pm sharp in honor of Vaisakhi, the Spring Harvest Festival! We will be distributing free groceries, fresh produce, period products (tampons and pads), PPE, gender-based violence resources, voter resources, toys and so much more!
A special shout out to our co-sponsors:
➡️The Campaign Against Hunger @tcahnyc
➡️For Women By Women Period @forwomenbywomenperiod
➡️Queens Defenders @queensdefenders
➡️Earnest Foods @earnestfoodsny
➡️Skills USA - Edison @edisonskillsusa
➡️Emblem Health @emblemhealth
Help us spread the word to our community by liking and sharing this flyer!
#foodjustice #foodinsecurity #thisiswhatcommunitylookslike#solidaritynotcharity #vaisakhi2023 #vaisakhi
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