Your Voice, Your Decision, Your Money! Have A Say In How Public Funds Are Spent In Your Community!
The People's Money Is NYC's First City-Wide Participatory Budget (PB) Program with @nyccec ! All New Yorkers Aged 11 And Up, Regardless Of Citizenship Or Immigration Status, Can Decide How To Spend $5 Million. South Queens Women's March @southqueenswomensmarch will be holding idea generation sessions to help you identify your community needs and brainstorm ideas for expense projects.
We will be hosting four workshops in the coming weeks to get the word out about participatory budgeting. We are offering FREE MONEY in the form of gift cards at these workshops. Registration link is in our bio and can be found at tinyurl.com/southqueensmoney
If you attend an in-person workshop on either September 29 or October 13, you will receive a $50 Amazon gift card. In person workshop details are as follows:
Thursday, September 29 from 5:30pm-7pm at the Lefferts Library, located at 103-33 Lefferts Blvd.
Thursday, October 13 from 5:30pm-7pm at the South Queens Women's March Office, located at 130-01 Liberty Avenue Unit 1R, Richmond Hill, NY 11419. Note that the office is on 130 Street and not on Liberty Avenue.
If you attend a virtual workshop on either October 6 or November 3, you will receive a $25 Amazon gift card. Virtual workshop details are as follows:
Thursday, October 6 from 6:30pm-8pm via Zoom (link to be provided upon registration)
Thursday, November 3 from 6:30pm-8pm via Zoom (link to be provided upon registration)
Note: Participants must be 11 years or older to receive a gift card. Participants will only qualify to receive one gift card as part of this project (you cannot receive another gift card if you attend a second workshop)
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